Lightfoot Vineyards: A Lesson in Biodynamic Farming (2020)
"Lightfoot Vineyards" Documentary Edit for Post-Production Class
This documentary was a challenge editing wise. We were given around 4 hours of footage to edit into a 5-8 minute segment focused on anything we found interesting within the footage. The raw files were from a documentary already produced on the Lightfoot family, so we had the privilege of redoing it however we wanted.
None of the interviews were slated, or matched with their multi-cam counterparts, the white balances were inconsistent between many of the shots, and the audio had a lot of background noise and boom-mic bumps.
Editing this tested me on sorting through big amounts of footage efficiently and timely. I had great practice with fixing audio / matching interviews, color correcting + grading, and overall effectiveness of creating a compelling documentary that maintains the audience's attention. I'm happy with how this turned out, but would have liked to make it longer to really allow my talking bits to stand out.